iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority celebrate International Wetlands Day
02 February 2023
Today, iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority is Celebrating international Wetlands Day under the theme, “We Care For Wetlands, Do You?”. The 2nd of February is the biggest day for protected areas like iSimangaliso Wetland Park. The Park is celebrating this day with its conservation partner Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife in the event hosted at Gilonki Secondary School, one of the schools neighbouring the Western shores of the Park.
This day marks the date of the adoption of the agreement to protect Wetlands of international importance in different affected Countries. iSimangaliso is a home of three RAMSA sites which are the Lake St. Lucia, Lake Sibaya and Kosi Bay Lake. The name “RAMSA” means the Convention on Wetlands of international importance. iSimangaliso also have inter-linking ecosystems (the only significant major swamp forests left in South Africa), 5 species of Turtles, 36 species of Snakes, 526 Bird species, all 5 of South Africa’s surviving mangrove tree species, 700-year-old Fish traps, commented on for the natural and cultural beauty by early Portuguese explorers and 5 cultural groups (Zulu, Swazi, Shangaan, Thonga and Gonda). Indeed iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority is a place where miracles and wonders never ends.
The purpose of this event is to raise awareness on the social and ecological benefits of the Wetlands and to raise awareness on the conservation threats faced by the Wetlands of iSimangaliso as the results of the human interference or disturbances.
In this event, iSimangaliso and it conservation partner are also partnering with different stakeholders namely; Dumi legacy Tours, St Lucia Birds and Birding, iSolemvelo Wetland Conservation Trust and iSimangaliso Youth Rhino Ambassadors to ensure that this event see the light of the day.
Statement issued by iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority
Media enquires:
Mr. Bheki Manzini
Call/WhatsApp: 060 533 2082
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